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GoBeam - continuous beam analysis

The main asset of GoBeam is productivity. The simple and clear interface layout offers minimum time to enter beam parameters and to get complete analysis results, including graphs and tables. Despite of visual simplicity GoBeam offers unique features greatly appreciated by engineers.


Modeling Functionality

Input page

GoBeam input worksheet

Graphed results

GoBeam charts

Tabulated results

GoBeam output worksheet

Load combinations

GoBeam load combinations

Load case LL1

GoBeam load case LL1

Load case LL2

GoBeam load case LL2

Load case manager

GoBeam load manager

Graphed force envelopes

GoBeam force envelopes

Moving loads selection

Moving load selection

Defining truck load

Defining truck load

Section properties calculator

GoBeam section properties calculator

Generation of beam on elastic foundation

Foundation beam generator Foundation beam generator